Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Cloth Daipering & Wipes 101!

Our decision to cloth diaper was around way before I became pregnant. We knew we wanted to do everything with our future children as natural as possible including, natural skincare products, CDing, breastfeeding and homemade juices and baby foods. It’s wonderful having a partner that wants a similar and a natural lifestyle as you especially when children are involved.
 My mom CD with my brothers and I and I remember mimicking her fold my brothers cloth diapers and placing them on my baby dolls at the age 7 or 8 years.

When I found out I was pregnant, I initially decided I was going to use disposables when on the go and CD at home. King thought it was be better if we only do CD and he was right. I’m happy he was for it from the beginning which made things so much easier for me. 
So, after doing countless researches online and on youtube on modern day CDing (had no idea there were so many different kinds out there!!) we decided on using two brands. I wasn’t  too thrilled about the AIO or the pocket diapers. I wanted a system that suits my lifestyle and one that’s convenient to other family members who decides to do diaper duty.

I fell in love with Thirsties Duo Wrap and Best Bottom Diaper Cover.  They require inserts and prefolds, are easy to change, dry quickly, are not bulky and the shells/covers can be reused if it’s not stained. I’ve heard MANY great reviews from both companies and I plan on doing a full review once baby is here. Rest assured that disposables are no longer necessary for us  plus after researching the materials used to make them, they are TOTALLY out of diaper changing time! I honestly don’t want them on my baby’s skin, not even at the hospital. I specifically included a note on our registry and baby shower invitations that we won’t be using disposable pampers or wipes. I even included the link to purchase these instead of  disposables.
Below are links for more info on each brand.

Cloth wipes was next on my list after searching for homemade wipes recipes. I remember making paper towel wipes to test out back when I was a daycare provider and thought I would use these but after discovering cloth wipes, it just made sense to use them!

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