Thursday, December 22, 2011

Pregnancy.....what they don't tell you!

I’m 27 wks  and my body has been through SO MANY changes it’s not even funny. Call me crazy but all I knew about being pregnant was cravings, nausea, swollen breasts and feet and a little acne.
Why didn’t anyone inform me that my body will no longer be mine! Although, I knew this would be a life changing experience, I honestly didn’t expect all of this.

Morning Sickness
I never had morning sickness, it was more like 24/7. Although, I never threw up, I couldn’t smell ANYTHING! Everything just smelled so awful!  I used to eat fish and cook it frequently for King but I couldn’t see or smell any fish/meat!  I remember going to the fish market one day and had to quickly run out because the smell was unbearable.
Peanut Butter was not my friend during the first trimester but after that it cured my nausea along with Apple Juice. Weird, right?!
I was told Ginger tea was good for nausea but that didn’t work for me, although I could drink ginger ale like it was water.  In fact, I could only drink peppermint tea, ginger ale, apple juice and water during the first 22 weeks. 

Don’t really have any. If I wanted something, after I got it, I wouldn’t want it any more after that! Although I like bbq sauce right now but it’s not something I have to have.

I have no desire to do anything most times and then there are other times, I feel like I can run a marathon. Honestly, sometimes I forget that I’m pregnant. I don’t know if it’s because my belly is small but I have to remind myself that I am. In the beginning, I would sleep ALL THE TIME! I couldn’t stay up no longer than 3 hours.

Back Pain
This has got to be the worst thing I have gone through with this pregnancy. There are times I would cry from all the pain. It would feel like someone is continuously stabbing me in the back. I found a relief by using a tennis ball as a massager. This is the only thing that helps me and King is the only one to do it exactly how I need it done. That video was a life saver!

No one told me………….
~ The bathroom would be my bff. Sometimes I have to go twice in 10 mins. It’s fun not having a menstrual cycle (yea I know, TMI)but this peeing on me and discharge is ridiculous.
~ I fart A LOT and they STINK so bad that I don’t want to smell it. I feel sorry for King having to smell it on a regular basis.
~ Constipation…although I haven’t in a while, sometimes I used to think this baby was coming out my A$$!!
~ Sex………what sex????? I don’t even think about it. YUCK!
~ Acne..didn’t notice I had sooo much on my back.
~ Baby Movement…this little girl is ALWAYS all over the place. Her favorite time to use me as a personal gym is between 1am and 5pm. Sometimes I have to run to the bathroom because she’s constantly right on my bladder.
That’s all I’ve experienced so far…….
Despite all of this, I LOVE being  pregnant. I love interacting with my princess. One thing for sure, she LOVES music. I wouldn't trade it for anything!!
Off topic.......belly is finally showing! Before I would tell people I'm expecting and they would laugh or say that I have no belly or I look 3 months pregnant the most. 
The baby bump is here now!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Cloth Daipering & Wipes 101!

Our decision to cloth diaper was around way before I became pregnant. We knew we wanted to do everything with our future children as natural as possible including, natural skincare products, CDing, breastfeeding and homemade juices and baby foods. It’s wonderful having a partner that wants a similar and a natural lifestyle as you especially when children are involved.
 My mom CD with my brothers and I and I remember mimicking her fold my brothers cloth diapers and placing them on my baby dolls at the age 7 or 8 years.

When I found out I was pregnant, I initially decided I was going to use disposables when on the go and CD at home. King thought it was be better if we only do CD and he was right. I’m happy he was for it from the beginning which made things so much easier for me. 
So, after doing countless researches online and on youtube on modern day CDing (had no idea there were so many different kinds out there!!) we decided on using two brands. I wasn’t  too thrilled about the AIO or the pocket diapers. I wanted a system that suits my lifestyle and one that’s convenient to other family members who decides to do diaper duty.

I fell in love with Thirsties Duo Wrap and Best Bottom Diaper Cover.  They require inserts and prefolds, are easy to change, dry quickly, are not bulky and the shells/covers can be reused if it’s not stained. I’ve heard MANY great reviews from both companies and I plan on doing a full review once baby is here. Rest assured that disposables are no longer necessary for us  plus after researching the materials used to make them, they are TOTALLY out of diaper changing time! I honestly don’t want them on my baby’s skin, not even at the hospital. I specifically included a note on our registry and baby shower invitations that we won’t be using disposable pampers or wipes. I even included the link to purchase these instead of  disposables.
Below are links for more info on each brand.

Cloth wipes was next on my list after searching for homemade wipes recipes. I remember making paper towel wipes to test out back when I was a daycare provider and thought I would use these but after discovering cloth wipes, it just made sense to use them!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

My Intro...

Today marks the beginning of my blog journey. Please join me as I document my life as a soon-to-be mom, a healthier eater and a loc head. I am very new to the whole blog scene but I thought it was necessary to document my life as I am going as natural as possible, hence the name, lol and to prepare myself for motherhood. 

I will be discussing the following topics in the near future:

~ Natural Hair Styling
~ Expecting Mom~
~ Cloth Diapering
~ Breastfeeding
~ Baby Talk
~ Healthy Eating
~ Product Review
~ Random Thoughts